Hi, everyone. This is Gavin.
I used to be a web developer, I enjoyed the ability to create something cool, and I code with full-stack development skills such as front-end, back-end, and DevOps. I built a low-code platform and a resource management platform from 0 to 1 with my team. But I gradually felt the weakness of developers' influence on the whole company, and began to desire to influence my work output from a wider dimension, so I started to try to coordinate the management work.
- 保險中介人資格考試(IIQE) 練習系統:https://www.iiqehk.com
Technical Posts
I share my technical posts at Juejin, which focus on front-end system knowledge, GO language systems, and CI/CD series. You can find my technical articles at Juejin.
Management / Product Posts
At the same time, I am learning about project managers' and product managers' skills. I believe only by combining these both can business goals be accomplished efficiently. You can find more at 人人都是产品经理.
Wechat official account
I like writing, and I specifically enjoy the feeling of sharing the thoughts of my life and work. Please subscribe my Wechat official account if you don’t mind.